Jan Gerrand
Jan specializes in VAT and RETT and has worked in a wide range of industry sectors with domestic and multinational companies. He has extensive experience with all aspects of indirect tax, including optimization of VAT supply chains, determination of the overall VAT position, optimization of VAT supply chains, VAT technical transactional analysis, support in VAT audit procedures, VAT due diligence and VAT compliance aspects.
Jan also specializes in M&A and has a rich experience in assisting in a wide range of transactions involving diverse types of businesses and cross border aspects, including tax due diligence (buy-side and sell-side), assistance on SPA and other transaction documentation, advising on acquisition structure and post-deal integration aspects.
For me, good tax advice is
A well thought-out solution that the client understands.
Why STP?
Because a lot is possible here. In principle, you can create your own path and development. As a student, you are quickly thrown in the deep end and do things that you would only do much later at the Big Four. You are immediately part of the whole thing. Everyone gets along easily and feels on equal terms.
Advice to newcomers to the profession
Listen closely to what the client is looking for and make sure that your advice fits it, both in terms of form and content.
Job: Partner
Education: Tax law, University of Amsterdam
Previously worked at: PWC
Working at STP since: January 2008
Other professional activities: author at NDFR
Publications: NDFR — commentary on the treaties between the Netherlands and China, India, Malta, Israel, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Italy and Barbados
Contact Information
Meet Jan Gerrand