Lodewijk Schulte
Of Counsel
Lodewijk Schulte specializes in advising (international) families and their companies. In this context, he has extensive experience in the field of corporate and private wealth structuring and real estate. He has specialized knowledge in the field of stock option schemes for both national and international situations.
For me, good tax advice is
Understandable advice that is also implementable for the client and his company. It’s advice that fits on a beermat and gives the client and his family a good night’s sleep in both the short and long terms.
Why STP?
Because of the open, casual atmosphere, where everyone is respected; we have a sense of humour and perspective.
Advice to newcomers to the profession
Discover the inspiring world of tax and take up the challenge by starting broadly and specializing later. And keep a sense of perspective.
Job: Of Counsel
Education: Tax Law, Erasmus University, Rotterdam. Exchange program Erasmus University Rotterdam with Hofstra University, New York, USA.
Previously worked at: PwC
Working at STP since: January 2008
Other professional activities: Member of the Dutch Association for Tax Advisors (NOB)
Publications: Co-author of International and EU Tax Law treaty commentaries for the Dutch Journal of Tax Law (NDFR) Editor of ‘Bedrijfsopvolging’ (Business succession), Kluwer 2006 to 2007
Contact Information
Meet Lodewijk
Of Counsel