Sander Karsten
Head of Compliance Practice
Sander Karsten began working in the compliance practice through an internship at a Big Four firm, where he subsequently became a permanent employee. In the following years, he specialized in drawing up income tax and corporate tax returns at all levels. He joined STP on 1 January 2008, and is now head of the compliance practice. While preparing the returns, he also checks whether there are any areas that can be fiscally optimised. Sander is also the person to see for tax accounting and establishing the tax position for financial statements.
For me, good tax advice is
Listening carefully so you understand what the client is asking, and then making it clear what we can do and where our added value lies. It is important to draw up the advice so that the customer in front of you understands it and can use it himself.
Why STP?
At STP, I enjoy a high degree of autonomy and responsibility, and I can always rely on the knowledge of my colleagues within the organization as a whole. We all get on very well, which is very important if you occupy one floor for about 40 hours a week.
Advice to newcomers to the profession
Try to make it fun and don’t worry about what others think of you.
Job: Head of Compliance Practice
Education: HEAO MER, Tax Law
Previously worked at: PwC Tax Advisors
Working at STP since: January 2008
Contact Information
Meet Sander
Head of Compliance Practice